About A Phoenix’s Hut

Welcome! I’m Hōan Taishin Michael Augustin, a Soto Zen Buddhist Priest in the Phoenix Cloud lineage of Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi.

Here at A Phoenix’s Hut, I offer reflections on Buddhist teachings and my ever-changing story as a Zen Priest in recovery. The archive contains previous Dharma talks, often with accompanying audio recordings. Finally, I occasionally share photos of my cats accompanied by poetry.

Me / Photo by Michele Ryan

Kobun Chino Roshi, the root teacher of the Phoenix Cloud lineage, often spoke about the importance of a “limitless, ceaseless trust” for Zen Buddhist practice. A limitless, ceaseless trust in ourselves is paramount, and without it, we cannot practice zazen (seated meditation) even for one minute.

My experience confirms that we have this deep trust in ourselves, even in periods of great confusion and doubt. I intend my offerings to assist others with discovering that ever-present confidence. It has no beginning and no end.


It is part of my vows as a Zen Priest not to hoard the teachings but to share my understanding freely. Therefore, all content is available without restriction. Still, please consider supporting my practice by becoming a paid subscriber. You can also buy me a tea.

I’m grateful for your generosity.

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Welcome to A Phoenix’s Hut, where I offer reflections on Buddhist teachings and my story as a Zen Priest in recovery. Poetry and Dharma cats live here, too. Thank you for visiting.


Hello! I'm Taishin Michael Augustin, a Zen Buddhist Priest in the lineage of Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi. I write about Zen practice, recovery, and the intersection of the two, with an emphasis on limitless trust in ourselves and others.